
ATA UK enables leading NATO officials and other key policy makers and shapers to meet international relations students and local community groups. It also produces commentary on international security issues provided by ATAUK affiliates and guest experts.

 A key focus is on raising awareness and understanding about NATO and the UK’s membership of NATO.

Programmes and activities are tailored to suit particular audiences such as specialists in defence, security and international relations, government officials, parliamentarians, and journalists, as well as student bodies and the general public.

Most recent activities have taken place as part of educational outreach programmes tailored for students at sixth-form college level. These include sessions on NATO’s origins, origins, values, and current roles and missions, often followed by sessions on topics such as disinformation and role-playing exercises, which enable students to examine and analyze complex, NATO-related issues.

Activities take place in-person and on-line.

Workshops on Disinformation off to flying start

Thanks to generous support from NATO’s Public Diplomacy Division, our “Promoting NATO to Youth” project got off to a flying start before the summer break with five workshops on disinformation at sixth-form colleges in Leicester. The workshops...

One Year after the Adoption of NATO’s New Strategic Concept

An ATA Webinar One Year after the Adoption of NATO’s New Strategic Concept On 29 June 2022, NATO adopted its long-awaited New Strategic Concept.  This outlines the Alliance’s view of the strategic environment, restates the...

NATO grant for “Promoting NATO to Youth” project

Following ATA UK’s successful “Promoting NATO Across Communities” project last year, NATO’s Public Diplomacy Division has awarded a grant to ATA UK’s parent organization – Resilient Futures – for a follow-on project for 2023. “Promoting NATO...

European Defence Sharing Conference and the Second Danube Summit on Geopolitics, Security and Defence

On 30 November 2022, David Hobbs appeared on a panel at the European Defence Sharing Conference in Budapest. This conference was arranged by the Danube Institute, the Heritage Foundation, and Pepperdine School of Public Diplomacy, and the...

Durham Union Panel on the War in Ukraine, 17 November 2022

On 17 November 2022, the University of Durham’s Student Union invited an expert panel to talk about the war in Ukraine. The speakers were: Mary Dejevsky, an Independent columnist on foreign affairs and an authority on Russian politics and diplomatic...

2022 NATO Senior Communicators Conference

NATO Senior Communicators Conference ATA UK was among the many ATA national chapters with representatives at NATO’s Senior Communicators Conference in Brussels in November 2022.  (Some of the ATA representatives appear in the featured...

Oxford Summer Programme

ATA UK among partners in the 2022 Oxford Summer Programme on International Affairs ATA UK was pleased to be one of the partners in the Oxford Diplomacy and Geopolitics Forum’s “Oxford Summer Programme on International Affairs”. This Programme brought...

NATO Across Communities project launched in Leicester

ATA UK’s “NATO across Communities” project launched in Leicester On 30 June 2022, just as NATO’s Madrid Summit was drawing to a close, ATA UK launched an exciting new project titled ‘NATO Across Communities’. The outreach...

The Future of Atlantic Security

On Friday 17 June, as NATO’s Madrid Summit approached, the Francisco University of Vitoria Madrid’s “Global Common Good Center” held an international seminar entitled “NATO after the War in Ukraine: the Future of Euro-Atlantic Security”. The...